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Acai Health

In short, the Acai Berry is taking the nation by storm! For this reason, Acai Berry is now a primary ingredient in many of the most effective supplements on the market. From juices and pulps to candy, Acai berries are making individuals all across the country look and feel better.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Acai Berry Facts - All About Acai Berries

 Acai BerryAcai berries grow on acai palm trees, found in the flood plains and swampy areas of Central and South America. Acai berries are small, round, and purple-black, about one inch in diameter. The berries served as a very important food source for the Caboclo peoples hailing from the Amazon region of Brazil, comprising up to 42% of the total food intake by weight.
These tribes may not have realized it, but they were in fact eating one of the healthiest fruits on Earth. No other food source is as rich in antioxidants as acai berries. Antioxidants are one of the keys to preventing aging and cancer. A recent study by researchers at the University of Florida suggested that acai berries may even help to kill leukemia cells.
Acai’s high antioxidant levels not only slow the aging process, but may also prevent metabolic diseases from occurring. Since 80% of elderly people in Western countries are projected to contract a metabolic disease, acai berries may be a crucial way to prevent this.
Acai berries are also an important source of resveratrol and anthocyanins. Resveratrol and anthocyanins are substances found in red grapes and red wine, and can extend your life. Many believe resveratrol and anthocyanins in red wine are why the French have a low incidence of coronary disease, despite having a diet rich in saturated fats.
Another nutritional benefit are their high protein levels. Usually foods high in protein have high levels of unhealthy cholesterol, but acai berries do not. This means acai berries are a great way to lower your cholesterol while getting your required amount of protein.
Acai berries also offer a rich source of glucosamine. For years, arthritis sufferers have known that glucosamine helps ease the pain of their osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.
Acai berries may also be able to cleanse the body of parasites and toxins. This feature of acai berries looks very promising, and with the large amount of toxins we ingest, may become very important. As a dietary supplement, acai berries can also cause significant slim down, another important benefit considering the obesity epidemic in Western countries.
While some doctors may dismiss the claims that acai berries are a super food, evidence suggests they really are. Countless people are using acai berries and acai berry supplements to improve their health. The only way to find out if acai berries can help you improve your health is to try them.                                


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